The Church of SaintTimothy Stewardship Restoration Appeal will, for this year, take the place of our annual census/block collection. As part of this new initiative I am asking all the members of the parish, either as individuals or as households, to commit themselves to making a sacrificial gift to help us sustain Saint Timothy’s in our day-to-day and month-to-month operations, as well as to assist us in completing several capital projects which we have, of necessity, put on hold because we simply haven’t had the funds to do them. We are embarking on this initiative especially in light of the fact that our collections have been continuously decreasing, particularly over the past fifteen years or so, for many reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic in which we continue to find ourselves.
The monies collected in this appeal will surely assist us in meeting our day-to-day and month-to-month expenses, which, as you are certainly aware, continue to increase (we are certainly aware of the fact that your expenses continue to increase as well), but will also assist us in completing the following necessary capital projects in our church building:
the replacement of all six main doors of the upper church, which have deteriorated and warped to the point where it is extremely difficult to close and lock them properly;
the repair and refinishing of all of the other external doors of the church;
the repair and repainting of the ceiling of the upper church sanctuary (altar area), which sustained damage because of a leak in the roof/ceiling (the leak itself has already been repaired).
The cost of all these capital projects are estimated to be in the ballpark of $100,000, so we ask everyone in the parish to prayerfully consider assisting us so that we can complete these necessary repairs, not only for us, but for the generations of Saint Timothy parishioners who will follow us.
You will be hearing more about The Church of SaintTimothy Stewardship Restoration Appeal in the coming weeks and months. You will be receiving a letter from Father Olivere in the mail, officially announcing the appeal and asking you, as an individual or as a household, to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to the appeal, above and beyond what you normally give in your weekly offertory contribution. We ask you to be open to God’s Spirit working within you as you prayerfully consider what your gift will be.