We find ourselves as a Church basking in the glory of the Risen Lord in these joy-filled days of the Easter season. In a world that is blighted by war and fear, we realize, as people of faith, that we need the presence of the Risen Lord now more than ever, convinced that he and only he can unchain the world from the prison of darkness in which we find ourselves, to lead us into the everlasting light of God’s life. It also seems like the darkness and cold of the winter are behind us, as spring bursts in warmth and color all around us. All of this certainly causes us to cry out from the depths of our hearts, “Alleluia!”
Our seventh grade school children will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, May 5th, at the hands of Bishop Joseph Coffey (Bishop Coffey is a Philadelphia priest who is presently Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, based in Washington, D.C.). On Saturday, May 14th, our second grade school children and our second level PREP students will be receiving their first Holy Communion. This season of Easter is such a perfect time to celebrate these Sacraments of Initiation, and as a community of faith we rejoice in the great gift of grace that will be given by God in these important sacramental celebrations. I ask you in a special way to remember our young people in these upcoming days, that they will open their hearts to the grace that God will so generously bestow on them sacramentally and that, through this great gift, they will not only change their lives but change the world.
Many of you already know that Father Buck has been appointed by Archbishop Perez to be the Dean of Men in the College Division of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Father Buck’s appointment takes effect on June 30th. Many have asked what exactly the Dean of Men is. Essentially, Father Buck will be the priest who is “in charge” of the seminarians in the college division of the seminary (i.e., the first four years of seminary formation). He will be a father to the men, as well as a mother, a disciplinarian, a shoulder for them to cry on, and, perhaps more than anything else, a great mentor and role model, showing them more by example than by word, what it means to be a good priest. As difficult as Father Buck’s appointment is for us and for the community at Archbishop Ryan High School, I truly believe it is a perfect appointment, especially for the young men who will be privileged to be under Father Buck’s care. Our loss is truly their gain. Since Father will be with us for several more weeks, we will be planning an appropriate farewell for him, which you will be hearing about soon.
You have probably seen by now our beautiful statue of Saint Joseph and the Holy Child which has been erected on the newly-built pedestal on the rectory lawn. They look as if they’ve been there for years! In the coming weeks, the brick garden will be built around the shrine, memorializing your loved ones whom we place in the care of the patron saint of the Universal Church. A number of folks have reserved bricks at this point. If you would like to donate a brick, please call the rectory or see the forms that are available at the entrances to the church.
I once again respectfully remind you to please consider your gift to the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal, if you have not already given your gift. My goal as your pastor is for every household and/or every wage earner in the parish to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal. Every gift to the Appeal --- no matter how large or small --- goes a long way in assisting the Archdiocese in carrying out the corporal works of mercy, especially among those most in need. If you didn’t receive a Catholic Charities envelope directly from the Catholic Charities office, envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Your donation may be placed in this envelope and mailed directly to the diocesan office. I would prefer that you NOT put them in the collection basket, but mail them directly to the office yourself. I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for your generosity to the 2022 Appeal, which really funds the most important work we do as a Church in this great Archdiocese.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.