With the close of school for the 2020-2021 academic year, our summer season is officially in full swing. I congratulate our eighth grade graduates, who received their diplomas and celebrated a beautiful graduation Mass this past Wednesday, as well as our Pre-K and Kindergarten students, all of whom graduated the previous Friday. I also want to recognize and congratulate our high school graduates, especially those who graduated from our diocesan high schools. As a parish community, we are very proud of all of you, and we pray that God’s choicest blessings will be with you, as you celebrate your achievements and begin a new chapter in your lives.
I take this opportunity to congratulate all of our Blessed Trinity students on the successful completion of this school year. We all are aware of the fact that this year was a difficult one for everyone, especially our school children, but I must say that our Blessed Trinity students “stepped up to the plate” (as they always do) and, through hard work and perseverance, not only completed the year but successfully completed the year. Much of their success, of course, is due to the attentiveness and conscientiousness of their parents and guardians, who cooperated fully with the schedule changes, changes in ways of learning, and other challenges that Covid brought. I thank our good parents for their dedication to their children and to our school. I must acknowledge and thank in a very special way our outstanding faculty and staff. Under the leadership of Ms. Milewski, our principal, and Mr. Mee, our assistant principal, they literally didn’t miss a beat over this past year and a half, and worked extremely hard to make sure our children continued their educational experience in safe, ordered, and creative ways. You are all true blessings in every way to our Blessed Trinity family. I pray that these summer months will afford all of you an opportunity for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
I would like to congratulate Mr. Seamus Mee, our assistant principal, on his appointment as principal of Saint Anselm School. Mr. Mee was a teacher here for several years, and returned three years ago as a member of the administration. Mr. Mee is a fine Catholic educator, and has proven himself to be a great asset to our school community. We thank him for his dedication and commitment to our students and their families over the course of these years. Know that you will be missed, Seamus, but you go with our prayers and our blessing.
Now that we are open again to full capacity, I remind you that no one is obligated (by the city’s guidelines) to wear a mask, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. Those who are unvaccinated are encouraged to wear a mask, but not obligated. There is also no longer social distancing in church. Holy Water is available in the fonts. Our liturgy is essentially celebrated as it was before the pandemic, with a few exceptions (e.g., there is still no Sign of Peace, we will not be offering Holy Communion from the chalice, and there is no offertory procession). Also, we ask you to continue, for the time being, to place your offertory donation into the baskets provided at the front of the church and at the break.
Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers, grandfathers, Godfathers, uncles, and all those who have, in any way, been father-figures to us. We remember, as well, all of our fathers who have gone before us in death. May you all know how loved you are, and how you truly radiate the love of God our Father in so many ways.
I once again ask you, if you have not already done so, to please make your Catholic Charities and Saint Charles Seminary Appeal donations for 2021. It would be a wonderful thing if we had 100% participation in these important annual appeals from every wage earner and/or household in the parish. Your sacrificial gifts, no matter how large or small, will make a big difference in the lives of those most needy who are served by Catholic Charities, as well as our seminarians who benefit from the seminary appeal. Thank you, as always, for your generosity.
Please remember that you may still return your Fathers’ Day remembrance envelopes, so that we can remember all our fathers, living and deceased, especially as we celebrate the Eucharist.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.