These days between the great feast of the Ascension and the great feast of Pentecost have always been blessed days for the Church. Like the Apostles and the other members of the first community of believers, we gather in prayer and beg the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we, as individuals, and as a Church, may be rejuvenated and strengthened for the missionary task we have been given, of proclaiming the Gospel, even to the ends of the earth.
This prayer --- “Come, Holy Spirit!” --- is one that Christians of every age have prayed, especially as we prepare to celebrate that first outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. I would say, however, that this petition is especially important to us, as we live through these particularly turbulent times. It is, I believe, especially in times such as these that our need for the Holy Spirit is made most clear to us, and our cry to God becomes most significant. We must never forget that God is always with us, that he certainly doesn’t ignore us or abandon us, and that he pours out his Holy Spirit upon us at all times, but especially in times such as these when we need him the most. Our prayer is never in vain; God hears us, and responds willingly and lovingly. The challenge for us who believe is to be able to hear God’s response in the midst of the violence and clamor of the world around us, confident that we are safe in his hands.
We are happy to welcome home to Saint Timothy this weekend Reverend Mr. John O’Farrell. As I told you previously, Deacon John, a life-long parishioner of our parish, was ordained a deacon of the Church on Saturday, April 10th by Bishop Michael Burbidge, the Bishop of Arlington, Virginia, in the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More in Arlington. Deacon John is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Farrell and the brother of Thomas O’Farrell, who is still a faithful parishioner of Saint Timothy’s. God willing, John, who is studying for the priesthood at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, will be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in the spring of 2022. Deacon John will be assisting and preaching at the 12:00 Noon Mass this weekend.
Next Thursday, May 20 at 1:00 P.M., our school children will be participating in our annual May Procession to honor our Blessed Lady. This is always a beautiful tribute to the Mother of God, and a perfect way for us to express our devotion to her, our greatest intercessor and advocate. This year, the children will process up Hawthorne Street up Levick to the front of the grotto, where Our Lady will be crowned and Benediction will be celebrated. I cordially invite all our parishioners to join our children in this loving tribute. I remind you to please wear your mask.
Our annual solemn Eucharistic devotions will be held from Monday, May 24 through Wednesday, May 26. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on our altar in the upper church for most of this time, and we will be given the opportunity to spend time with the Lord in his sacramental presence. Each evening at 7:00 we will celebrate Solemn Evening Prayer with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On Wednesday evening we will also have a procession of the Blessed Sacrament, which will begin in the upper church and end at the grotto, where we will have the final Benediction and closing of the Forty Hours. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us as we honor the presence of the Lord in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.
I remind you again that our 90th anniversary book is completed and is available at the rectory. There are a limited number of books available. We are asking for a donation of $25 per book. Books may be purchased at the rectory on any weekday between 9 AM and 2 PM. More information and an order form may be found elsewhere in this bulletin.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.