We celebrate this weekend the 69th anniversary of the dedication of our church. Saint Timothy’s upper church was dedicated on October 25, 1952, by Bishop George L. Leech, who was at that time the Bishop of Harrisburg and a seminary classmate and friend of Father Thomas Brady, the founding pastor of our parish. The following day, Sunday, October 26, Bishop Leech was the celebrant of the first Solemn Mass in the upper church, which was celebrated in the presence of Archbishop John Francis O’Hara, Archbishop of Philadelphia, several other bishops, over one-hundred priests, numerous Sisters of Saint Joseph, and hundreds of faithful parishioners and friends.
It is right that we celebrate this anniversary every year, as a reminder to us, not only of those good men and women who worked so hard to make our beautiful parish church a reality, but also of the fact that we are the Church, the Body of Christ, and, as such, we are living witnesses to the reality of the Church in our midst. Our magnificent church symbolizes Christ, our Head and foundation stone, upon whom we need to continue to build a community of love and hope in a world that so desperately needs his life-giving presence. Let us never forget the gift that has been given to us in our holy, Catholic faith, and let us strive to be beacons of hope to all who come to Saint Timothy’s seeking Jesus. Let us also thank God, especially on this anniversary, for Father Brady and all those who labored with him for so many years to build the beautiful church we are privileged to call our own.
Today at 2:30 in the afternoon, our priest-son, Father Louis Monica, will be celebrating a Solemn Mass, commemorating not only the 69th anniversary of the dedication of our upper church, but also offering thanks to God for the gift of his priesthood. All of our parishioners are cordially invited to celebrate with Father Monica and his family the great gift of the priesthood on this 69th anniversary of the dedication of our beautiful church.
We also join the larger Church in celebrating this weekend World Mission Sunday. World Mission Sunday is a way for us to support the missionary effort of the Church and the fine work of the dedicated missionaries --- including lay men and women, religious priests, brothers, and sisters, and diocesan priests --- by our financial and prayerful support. The second collection this weekend is for World Mission Sunday. Your generosity is, as always, very much appreciated.
On Monday, October 25, work will finally begin on the repair and re-painting of our upper church sanctuary. Because of the fact that scaffolding will need to be erected to complete this work, we will not be able to use the upper church for about two weeks. All our Masses beginning tomorrow, then, including all funerals and all the Masses for next weekend, will be held in the lower church. I thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.
Please remember:
ALL SAINTS DAY – Monday, November 1st – This is a holyday. Masses will be celebrated at 6:30 and 8:30 A.M., and 12:05 and 7:00 P.M.
ALL SOULS DAY – Tuesday, November 2nd – As you know, on All Souls Day we commemorate all the faithful departed. Our Masses on this day will be celebrated at 8:30 A.M. and at 7:00 P.M.
SOLEMN MASS TO COMMEMORATE ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED – Tuesday, November 2nd - This Mass, which will be celebrated on this day at 7:00 P.M., will, in a special way, commemorate all of our faithful departed. We will remember by name all those who were buried from our parish church this past year.
BOOK OF THE NAMES OF THE DEAD – Our Book of the Names of the Deadwill soon be open. The book will be placed by the baptismal font in the upper church, and at the break in the middle of the lower church. You are invited to write the names of your beloved dead in this book so that all of us may pray for all the faithful departed. This book will be enshrined in our church throughout the month of November.
ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCES – The All Souls envelopes, upon which you are able to write the names of your beloved deceased, will be placed next to the tabernacles in both the upper and lower churches throughout the month of November, as a reminder that we remember all the faithful departed, especially in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. There are extra envelopes available at all the doors of the church.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.