We, as an archdiocesan church, have reached the midpoint in the 2022 CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL, the theme of which is Giving Hope to All. I remind you that the Catholic Charities Appeal reaches out to those among us with special needs, and the fact that the Archdiocese is the single largest provider of social services in the Delaware Valley is a testament to its far-reaching effects.
As of this writing, we here at Saint Timothy’s and Saint Bartholomew’s have raised 82.90% of our goal for the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal. This is an amazing testament to the generosity of you, our faithful parishioners, and to your care for those who are less fortunate, and in particular our sisters and brothers who are most in need, who directly benefit from the services provided by our archdiocesan Catholic Social Services.
If you have not already done so, I ask you to please prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal, for this very important campaign of the Archdiocese, which directly helps our ministries to those who are most poor and vulnerable. Every gift counts, and it is my hope that every family and wage earner will make a contribution to this year’s campaign, as their means allow. Our parish goal of $21,864 can be met, and even exceeded, if everyone does his or her fair share.
I remind you that Catholic Charities is no longer a second collection in church, like so many other special collections we take throughout the year. It is now a direct mail campaign that basically lasts for a whole year. You should have received a mailing from the Archdiocesan Catholic Charities office, containing a campaign brochure and a gift/pledge card, along with an envelope within which you would be able to send your gift or pledge. The Archdiocese prefers you to use this direct-mail method to make your Catholic Charities gift. In light of this preference, I would ask you not to place your Catholic Charities contribution in the collection basket in church. Thank you for your cooperation and your understanding. There are extra Catholic Charities envelopes available at the doors of the church.
This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, on which we thank God for and honor those men and women who serve as teachers of the faith. At the 9:15 Mass this Sunday, we will be offering a blessing to all of our Parish Religious Education Program and Christian Initiation catechists, as well as our school teachers, as they begin their new school year, and commit themselves once again to the passing on of the faith, which is the greatest treasure to us who believe.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.