I am filled with so much joy in welcoming you all back to church! Our church building, as beautiful as it is, has been so empty, in every way, without all of you, and the fact that we are able to gather once again to celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy and the sacraments is certainly cause for us to rejoice and thank God.
Even in the midst of our great joy, we obviously need to be very cautious, since the spread of the coronavirus is still a very real threat in our midst. The parish staff has met extensively and we are working very hard to ensure that our reopening is as smooth and as safe as possible for everyone. The Archdiocese has issued some guidelines, and will continue to do so as we move forward. In light of all of this, I share with you the following important points:
Everyone is asked to wear a mask to church, that is, as you approach church, while you are in church, and when you leave church; obviously your mask will be removed when you come forward to receive Holy Communion;
We ask everyone to sit only in the designated pews that are not roped-off;
Please social distance from parishioners while entering and exiting the church;
When in your pew, you may sit with your family members and/or the people with whom you live; if anyone else is in the same pew as you and your family, please social distance from them;
Please try to keep a distance of six (6) feet from the person in front of you when coming forward to receive Holy Communion;
The Communion procession will form and come forward as a single line (as opposed to the regular double line);
The ushers will not be taking up the collection; I ask you to please place your church envelope/offering in one of the designated baskets (at the center of the church or at either end of the altar rail);
Church bulletins are placed for your taking next to the collection baskets;
Holy Water has been removed from the stoups for everyone’s safety;
It is strongly recommended that everyone receive Holy Communion in the hand for the time being;
There are hand sanitizer dispensers located at all the entrances to the church, so that you may use them upon entering and exiting;
The Church will be thoroughly sanitized after each Mass.
I will personally remind you of these important details and of these necessary procedures before each Mass. I thank you for your patience as we enter into this phase of reopening. This is all new territory for all of us, so we all need to be patient and kind with one another as we move forward with faith and confidence.
It is very important for everyone to remember that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still lifted in this Archdiocese for the time being; therefore NO ONE is obligated to attend Mass even now that we are again open. If you are not well or if you feel uncomfortable, please stay home! We will continue to record Mass and make it available on our Facebook page and on our website for the foreseeable future.
I am happy to announce to you that we have scheduled the fall dates for our Confirmation and first Holy Communion. Archbishop Perez will be visiting us on Tuesday, October 6th at 4:00 P.M. to bestow the Sacrament of Confirmation on our young people, and our second graders will be receiving their first Holy Communion at my hands on Saturday, October 17th, at 10:30 A.M.
Besides the burden of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all been certainly living in fear and anxiety in the aftermath of the senseless and brutal murder of George Floyd. All of us living in this city (and in every other major city throughout this country) have been victims to the pointless and meaningless riots and destruction that have followed the peaceful protests that took place, protests that were organized to bring about necessary change and transformation in our society, and to eradicate the racial hatred and injustice that continues to exist on many levels. The rioting and looting and terrible destruction that we have witnessed certainly detracts from the purposeful protests that were organized. As we grieve the death of Mr. Floyd, we unite with all people of good will, that justice and peace will prevail in our city and all cities, and that the love of God, which alone can change hearts and lives, will saturate our country and change all hearts to the ways of charity and peace.
Please know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Masses and my prayers.