We have reached the middle of the month of October, and so I remind you of several important events and dates in the upcoming weeks:
ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF OUR CHURCH – Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23– On this weekend, at all the Masses, we will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the dedication of our upper church. This pivotal event in the life of our parish took place on October 25, 1952, and on the following day, October 26, 1952, the first Solemn Mass was celebrated.
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – Weekend of October 22-23 – World Mission Sunday is a way for us to support the missionary effort of the Church and the fine work of the dedicated missionaries --- including lay men and women, religious priests, brothers, and sisters, and diocesan priests --- by our financial and prayerful support. The second collection on the weekend of October 22-23 is for World Mission Sunday. Your generosity is, as always, very much appreciated.
ALL SAINTS DAY – Tuesday, November 1st – This is a holyday of obligation. Masses will be celebrated at Saint Timothy at 6:30 and 8:30 A.M., and 12:05 and 7:00 P.M. Mass will be celebrated at Saint Bartholomew at 10:00 A.M.
ALL SOULS DAY – Wednesday, November 2nd – As you know, on All Souls Day we commemorate all the faithful departed. Our Masses on this day will be celebrated at Saint Timothy at 8:30 A.M. in the lower church and at 7:00 P.M. in the upper church.
SOLEMN MASS TO COMMEMORATE ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED – Wednesday, November 2nd - This Mass, which will be celebrated on this day at 7:00 P.M. in Saint Timothy’s upper church, will, in a special way, commemorate all of our faithful departed. We will remember by name all those who were buried from both Saint Bartholomew Church and Saint Timothy Church this past year.
BOOK OF THE NAMES OF THE DEAD – Our Book of the Names of the Deadwill soon be open. A book will be placed by the baptismal font in Saint Timothy’s upper church and by the baptismal font in Saint Bartholomew’s Church. You are invited to write the names of your beloved dead in this book so that all of us may pray for all the faithful departed. These books will be enshrined in our churches throughout the month of November.
ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCES – The All Souls envelopes, upon which you are able to write the names of your beloved deceased, will be placed next to the tabernacles in Saint Timothy and Saint Bartholomew Churches throughout the month of November, as a reminder that we remember all the faithful departed, especially in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. There are extra envelopes available at all the doors of the church.
I am happy to inform you that I have hired Mr. Vince DiFrancesco as our new Director of Music Ministries. Vince is actually the music director at Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown, as well, and will be primarily working there. He will essentially be assisting us by doing all of our music planning and scheduling (of musicians and cantors), and will be playing the organ and singing as he is needed. Anne Coneghen will continue to direct our choir and play the organ for at least one Mass every weekend. Ed Green, who has been playing the organ for us regularly for a number of months, will continue to do so.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.