We celebrate this weekend the Third Sunday of Advent, traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday, which literally means “Rejoice.” This is taken from the first line of the Introit, or Entrance Chant, of the Mass for this Sunday: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again, rejoice!”
This beautiful reminder is taken from the Letter to the Philippians, and calls us to remember that, not only are we half way through our Advent celebration, with Christmas just two weeks away, but our salvation is also close at hand, for the Savior who brings us God’s life and love is always near to us, and will, indeed, return one day, as He promised, to gather all of us who believe into the fullness of God’s reign. (Sometimes this Sunday is referred to as Rose Sunday because of the color of the vestments worn on this one day of the Advent season.)
This Sunday, December 17th, at 7:00 P.M., we will be celebrating the ceremony of Lessons and Carols in Saint Timothy’s upper church. This beautiful liturgy, which will feature Saint Timothy’s Choir and music ministers, is a wonderful way for us to celebrate the Advent and upcoming Christmas seasons, by listening to the Scriptures and other sacred readings of the seasons and singing carols. We invite everyone to bring the Baby Jesus statue from your Nativity scenes at home so that we can bless the statues as part of the Lessons and Carols ceremony. This blessing of the statues of the Baby Jesus is an old tradition, especially in the city of Rome, where people bring their statues to Saint Peter’s Square on this Third Sunday of Advent in order for the Pope himself to bless them from his window. It is from this tradition that this Sunday is called Bambinelli Sunday (Bambinelli meaning “little baby”) or Baby Jesus Sunday. This evening will be a fine opportunity for us to gather as a parish family, to sing carols, and to get into the spirit of the season. Please attend with your family members and neighbors!
I remind you that this coming Wednesday evening, December 20th, at 7:00 in Saint Timothy’s lower church, we will be celebrating our Advent Parish Penance Service. There is, in my opinion, no better way to prepare our hearts for Christmas than by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance). Going to confession allows us to celebrate the Savior’s birth with mind and heart renewed. We will have a number of kind and gentle priests here to celebrate the sacrament with you. I guarantee you that you will not be judged, or lectured, or certainly yelled at: you will be welcomed with open arms, and simply given an opportunity to experience the power of God’s love and grace. It is a perfect opportunity to start fresh in these final Advent days. Please join us, and perhaps bring someone who hasn’t gone to confession in a while. Assure them that they will have a positive experience here.
I remind you that confessions will also be heard next Saturday, December 23rd, at the regular times: at Saint Timothy’s, from 3:15-4:15 P.M., and at Saint Bartholomew’s at 3:30 P.M., before the 4:00 P.M. Mass. Please note that there will be no confessions heard on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
Because Christmas Eve falls this year on a Sunday, many have asked whether you need to attend Mass just once to fulfill the obligation for Sunday and Christmas. The short answer to that question is “No.” In order to fulfill the obligation for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, you need to attend Mass either on Saturday night, December 23rd (4:30 at Saint Timothy, or 4:00 at Saint Bartholomew) or Sunday morning, December 24th (6:30, 9:15 or 12 Noon at Saint Timothy, or 10:00 at Saint Bartholomew); in order to fulfill the obligation for Christmas, you need to attend Mass either on Sunday night, December 24th (4:00, 6:00, or Midnight at Saint Timothy, or 4:00 at Saint Bartholomew) or Monday morning, December 25th (6:30, 9:15 or 12 Noon at Saint Timothy, or 10:00 at Saint Bartholomew). I hope this clears up any confusion.
Please remember our Christmas schedule: Christmas Eve Masses at Saint Timothy are at 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. and 12:00 MIDNIGHT; Christmas Eve Mass at Saint Bartholomew is at 4:00 P.M. Christmas Day Masses at Saint Timothy are at 6:30 and 9:15 A.M. and 12:00 NOON; Christmas Day Mass at Saint Bartholomew is at 10:00 A.M.
Please take note of our complete Christmas schedule, which is printed elsewhere in this bulletin. Remember to invite someone to join you for the celebration of this great feast here at Saint Timothy’s and Saint Bartholomew’s. Everyone has a place here!
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.