It is the tradition of the Church, during this month of May, to honor and celebrate Our Blessed Lady, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our devotion to Mary is a strong reminder of the importance she holds in the Christian life. She is the one who always leads us to her Son, Jesus; she is, essentially, the Way to Jesus, since she models for us what it means to be a perfect disciple, listening to the voice of Jesus and allowing him to mold us into the very people God created us to be. She intercedes for us and prays for us always before God. In every way, Mary is our mother and our hope.
This coming Thursday, May 19th at 1:00 P.M., our school children will be participating in our annual May Procession to honor our Blessed Lady. This is always a beautiful tribute to the Mother of God, and a perfect way for us to express our devotion to her, our greatest intercessor and advocate. This year, the children will process up Hawthorne Street, up Levick Street, and into the upper church, where Our Lady will be crowned, and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be celebrated. I cordially invite all our parishioners to join our children in this loving tribute.
I remind you that Thursday, May 26 is the great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, the fortieth day after Easter. This is a holyday of obligation. Our Mass schedule will be our regular holyday schedule: 6:30 and 8:30 A.M., 12:05 NOON, and 7:00 P.M.
I once again respectfully remind you to please consider your gift to the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal, if you have not already given your gift. My goal as your pastor is for every household and/or every wage earner in the parish to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal. Every gift to the Appeal --- no matter how large or small --- goes a long way in assisting the Archdiocese in carrying out the corporal works of mercy, especially among those most in need. If you didn’t receive a Catholic Charities envelope directly from the Catholic Charities office, envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Your donation may be placed in this envelope and mailed directly to the diocesan office. I would prefer that you NOT put them in the collection basket, but mail them directly to the office yourself. I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for your generosity to the 2022 Appeal, which really funds the most important work we do as a Church in this great Archdiocese.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.