I would like to thank all those who took the time and trouble to complete the Disciple-Maker Index Survey, which was administered by the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). The CLI says that, on the average, parishes have between 15 and 18% of their Mass-going population complete the survey. Even without CLI having recorded all of our surveys, we are already up to about 45% of our Mass-going population here at Saint Timothy’s having completed the survey. After CLI has recorded all of our surveys, I am sure we will be close to or over 50% of our population. That phenomenal rate of participation is yet another example of the fidelity and spirit of cooperation of the good people of Saint Timothy’s. I thank you for that. When all the results have been tabulated by CLI, I will be sharing with you the results of the Disciple-Maker Index, particularly with regard to our community here at Saint Timothy’s.
This coming week, from Monday through Wednesday, Father Buck and I will be attending our annual Priest Convocation in Hershey, along with most of the active priests of the Archdiocese. Father Noone will be saying the 8:30 morning Mass here on Monday and Wednesday. Since Father Noone cannot say Mass on Tuesday morning because of a previous engagement, the 8:30 Mass on Tuesday is cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.
I would ask you to please keep all of the priests of the Archdiocese in your prayers as we gather for these days of convocation. Know that all of you, and the faithful throughout the Archdiocese, will be remembered each day of the convocation in our prayers, as you are remembered each day.
I remind you that our second graders will be receiving their first Holy Communion this coming Saturday, May 14, at 10:30. Please remember these young people in your prayers, as they prepare to receive the greatest gift they will ever be given, the Lord Jesus himself in the Eucharist, that they will continue to grow in God’s grace and will allow the Eucharistic Lord to shape them into the very people God created them to be.
I once again respectfully remind you to please consider your gift to the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal, if you have not already given your gift. My goal as your pastor is for every household and/or every wage earner in the parish to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal. Every gift to the Appeal --- no matter how large or small --- goes a long way in assisting the Archdiocese in carrying out the corporal works of mercy, especially among those most in need. If you didn’t receive a Catholic Charities envelope directly from the Catholic Charities office, envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Your donation may be placed in this envelope and mailed directly to the diocesan office. I would prefer that you NOT put them in the collection basket, but mail them directly to the office yourself. I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for your generosity to the 2022 Appeal, which really funds the most important work we do as a Church in this great Archdiocese.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.