Dear Friends,
Many of our Saint Bartholomew parishioners will remember Father Joseph McCaffrey, who was in residence at Saint Bartholomew’s a number of years ago. Father McCaffrey was at that time, and still is, the school minister at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls, where he has ministered for the past 20 years. Father McCaffrey was recently appointed Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Parish in Milmont Park, Delaware County.
Because Little Flower will be without a school minister (at least until June) with Father Joe’s departure, the Archbishop has appointed our own Father Lane to be chaplain at Little Flower one day a week. The clergy office of the Archdiocese thought it would be best to place an assistant pastor in this role, and, as I’ve told you many times recently, since there aren’t many assistant pastors, the lot fell to Father Lane.
Father Lane’s primary assignment is with us here Saint Timothy’s and Saint Bartholomew’s. Being chaplain at Little Flower one day a week is a secondary assignment for Father, where he will primarily be celebrating Mass and being a priestly presence. I wanted to let you know about this appointment personally, before any rumors started to circulate. Be assured that Father Lane is remaining with us.
As we celebrate Halloween (which literally means, of course, “All Hallows [or All Saints] Eve,” and begin the month of November this week, we are reminded of that “great company of witnesses” we have in heaven, the saints, who guide us and intercede for us and show us the way to heaven. This month annually reminds us of all our beloved dead, those who, as the liturgy reminds us, “have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.” As we ask the saints, particularly during this autumn time, to continue to intercede for us before the throne of God, let us remember especially our loved ones and friends who have died, that our prayers may help them gain the reward promised to all those who are faithful.
I’d once more like to call your attention to a few important points, as we move into November:
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.
Love and prayers,
Father Olivere