I wrote in my letter last weekend that we will be continuing the great work of Sister Bea with those among us who are most in need. Sister, as we all know, was unique in that, for nearly thirty years, she single-handedly began a ministry which eventually reached out to many, including the hungry, the homeless, shut-ins, the elderly, the sick, and those with special needs. Sister had many connections within our parish and within the larger community of the Northeast and the greater Philadelphia area, so she accomplished much for many people with the assistance and expertise of many people. As she herself reminded me often, especially in the final months of her ministry, “It hasn’t really been about me. Many people assisted me in my ministry.”
At this point in time, it would be difficult for us to find someone who could do everything Sister Bea did for all these years. I have decided, then, to form a Social Ministry Committee, with the goal of having all of us, the members of the committee as well as the parish staff, try to cover everything that Sister Bea did for those who are most in need. My vision is that this will be, in every way, a group effort, with all of us sharing the responsibility in assisting those who are suffering in our midst in whatever way we are able.
There are already several folks who are continuing Sister’s great work, especially in the area of organizing the food pantry and distributing that food to those who are in need. In light of this I would ask you to please continue bringing your donations of food to church or to the rectory. Many of you are very generous and very regular in these food donations. Some of you are also very generous in donating money on a regular basis to assist the needy. Sister Bea would usually use this money to purchase gift cards to Shop Rite from our SCRIP program, to distribute those cards to those who needed them. We will continue doing this, so I would ask you to please continue your donations, if and when you are able.
The parish staff members, as well as those folks whom I already mentioned who are continuing Sister’s work, will automatically become members of this Social Ministry Committee. I am also asking all of you to consider joining this committee, if you would be willing and able to assist us in this great work of helping those among us who are most in need, especially if you have an area of expertise that would be of assistance to us (e.g., if you are a nurse or another type of health professional, or if you have worked in some way with those who are advanced in years). In the next week or so we will be announcing a date for our inaugural meeting. Please prayerfully consider joining this important ministry and assisting us as we minister to the needy Christ in our very midst.
I am happy to announce to you officially that the Ministry Center, from which Mrs. Cheryl Kirschman, our Coordinator of Religious Education, works, and Sister Bea also worked, will henceforth be known as the Sister Bea McElrone Ministry Center, a fitting tribute, I believe, to one who has given so much in so many ways. I remind you that October 4th is the traditional feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, a saint who is known for many things, including his love for all of God’s creatures. It is a tradition on or near this day to bless animals, remembering that they, too, are God’s creatures, and share in the life he has given us. In light of this tradition, we will be blessing animals next Saturday, October 2nd, at our parish grotto between the church and the convent. The blessing will take place at 9:30 A.M. Feel free to bring your dogs, cats, parakeets, rabbits---whatever!---so that we can bestow upon all of our four-legged friends the blessing of God and honor the humble and peace-filled saint of Assisi (Buster will be there, as always!).
I offer you a final reminder that we have resumed our weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Exposition takes place every Wednesday morning in the lower church, from after the 8:30 Mass until 12:00 Noon. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated at Noon. If you are able, do come and spend some time with our Eucharistic Lord.
Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers.