As Christian people, it is important that we keep things in perspective. Maybe the COVID pandemic, economic difficulties, social unrest, and the lack of peace that we continue to face, along with the multiple other crosses with which we are confronted, as a Church and as a society, can serve as a reminder to us of what is important.
We celebrate this weekend the Third Sunday of Advent, traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday, which literally means “Rejoice.” This is taken from the first line of the Introit, or Entrance Chant, of the Mass for this Sunday: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again, rejoice!”
Our Advent journey continues as we celebrate this second Sunday of the season, with the figure of John the Baptist reminding us to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
The Annual Parish Live Nativity will happen on the steps of the Upper Church this Friday, December 11th. We will begin at 6pm. However we will have a petting zoo, Christmas Carols and hot chocolate starting at 5:30 PM.