I remind you that, during this month of November, the Archdiocese is beginning our annual seminary appeal, for the benefit of our present seminarians, as well as to ensure the future of our great seminary of Saint Charles Borromeo at Overbrook. This year’s appeal’s theme is Saint Charles Seminary: For today. For tomorrow. For all of us.
As we ask the saints, particularly during this autumn time, to continue to intercede for us before the throne of God, let us remember especially our loved ones and friends who have died, that our prayers may help them gain the reward promised to all those who are faithful.
It is right that we celebrate this anniversary every year, as a reminder to us, not only of those good men and women who worked so hard to make our beautiful parish church a reality, but also of the fact that we are the Church, the Body of Christ, and, as such, we are living witnesses to the reality of the Church in our midst.
I remind you that, during this month of November, the Archdiocese is beginning our annual seminary appeal, for the benefit of our present seminarians, as well as to ensure the future of our great seminary of Saint Charles Borromeo at Overbrook. This year’s appeal’s theme is Saint Charles Seminary: For today. For tomorrow. For all of us.