Father Lane’s primary assignment is with us here Saint Timothy’s and Saint Bartholomew’s. Being chaplain at Little Flower one day a week is a secondary assignment for Father, where he will primarily be celebrating Mass and being a priestly presence. I
At all the Masses at Saint Timothy’s this weekend, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the dedication of the upper church. This took place on Saturday, October 25, 1952, when Bishop George L. Leech, the-then Bishop of Harrisburg, consecrated the church in the presence of Archbishop John F. O’Hara, the-then Archbishop of Philadelphia.
I am happy to inform you that I have hired Mr. Vince DiFrancesco as our new Director of Music Ministries. Vince is actually the music director at Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown, as well, and will be primarily working there.
On October 4th, we celebrate the great Saint Francis of Assisi, who received the mandate from the Lord to “rebuild my Church,” and is such a great role-model for us today as we strive to rebuild and reshape the Church in the image of Jesus in our present day.