Available to you at the church entrances are the Little Blue Books for the Advent and Christmas seasons, which contain a short thought for each day of the season. Please take a book home with you, and feel free to take one for a shut-in or neighbor who cannot come to church.
Next weekend we do indeed begin the holy season of Advent. You will find within this bulletin an Advent schedule for our parishes. I would suggest that you put this schedule on your refrigerator or bulletin board so that you can participate in our liturgical celebrations and activities during this relatively short season.
By now you should have received the mailing for our annual census/block collection (if you have not received it, please call the rectory and let us know). Please remember that the census information is very important in order for us to update our records and to keep our data accurate. The block collection is equally important for us, since it is one of the single largest sources of income we receive in the course of the year.
Next Sunday, November 13, at the 9:15 Mass, our Confirmation candidates will officially begin their journey to this great sacrament with the Rite of Acceptance as candidates for Confirmation.