I think it is important for us to remember that our celebration of Christmas has just begun. We ended the season of Advent and began the season of Christmas at nightfall on Christmas Eve, and our celebration this year will extend all the way to January 9th, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
In these final hours of Advent, amidst all of the final card writing, gift buying and wrapping, decorating, cooking, baking, and the hundreds of other tasks that we are about, let us not forget to prepare for the great feast of light by preparing room in our hearts for the newborn Jesus.
Next Sunday, December 18th, at 7:00 P.M., we will be celebrating the ceremony of Lessons and Carols in Saint Timothy’s upper church. This beautiful liturgy, which will feature our music ministry, is a wonderful way for us to celebrate the Advent and upcoming Christmas seasons, by listening to the Scriptures and other sacred readings of the seasons and singing carols.
I remind you that the annual Saint Charles Seminary Appeal is taking place at this time. You should have received a direct mailing from the seminary for the appeal, and may use the envelope enclosed in your mailing to send your contribution directly to the seminary, which is the preferred method.