Many of you already know that Father Buck has been appointed by Archbishop Perez to be the Dean of Men in the College Division of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Father Buck’s appointment takes effect on June 30th. Many have asked what exactly the Dean of Men is. Essentially, Father Buck will be the priest who is “in charge” of the seminarians in the college division of the seminary (i.e., the first four years of seminary formation). He will be a father to the men, as well as a mother, a disciplinarian, a shoulder for them to cry on, and, perhaps more than anything else, a great mentor and role model, showing them more by example than by word, what it means to be a good priest.
offer my deep thanks to all those who made our celebration of Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum here at Saint Timothy the beautiful and uplifting experience it was for all of us. Special thanks to Father Buck, Father Noone, and Father Jack, as well as all of our liturgical ministers, including our readers, extraordinary ministers, altar servers, ushers and greeters, music ministers, choirs, sacristans, those who cleaned and decorated the church, as well as anyone else who had anything to do with our celebrations during this past week.
I invite and strongly encourage each and every one of you to be with us during these solemn days. The liturgy of the Church during the Sacred Triduum is rich in word and symbol, and draws us into the very sacrifice of Jesus on the cross which reaches its climax in the celebration of the resurrection at Easter. The schedule for the Triduum and Easter, which you should have received in your home, is reprinted in this bulletin for your convenience.
It is an important aspect of my job as pastor to make sure we, as a parish community, remain financially healthy, and that your generous contributions (i.e., your financial stewardship) are being used prudently and wisely. I take this role as chief financial steward of our parish very seriously, and the fact that I have been entrusted with this responsibility by the Archbishop and by you is humbling. Of course, I could never fulfill this charge alone.