ask you to remember in your prayers in a special way the six men who were ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, May 21, in the Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Please remember in your prayers as well, we, your parish priests, who are celebrating the anniversaries of our ordinations. Father Noone is celebrating 55 years, Father Jack is celebrating 23 years, Father Buck is celebrating 8 years, and I am celebrating 28 years.
I once again respectfully remind you to please consider your gift to the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal, if you have not already given your gift. My goal as your pastor is for every household and/or every wage earner in the parish to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal.
I would like to thank all those who took the time and trouble to complete the Disciple-Maker Index Survey, which was administered by the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). The CLI says that, on the average, parishes have between 15 and 18% of their Mass-going population complete the survey. Even without CLI having recorded all of our surveys, we are already up to about 45% of our Mass-going population here at Saint Timothy’s having completed the survey.