Father Lane arrived this past Monday, and is already getting into parish life here at Saint Timothy’s. As I have told him many times, this is a perfect place for a newly ordained to learn how to be a priest. In a time when very few parishes anywhere, including in this Archdiocese, have assistant pastors, it is quite an honor for us, as a parish community, to have Father Lane assigned to us (you will recall that we haven’t had an assistant since Father Monahan left us in the winter of 2018).
We are happy to welcome home to Saint Timothy this weekend Father John O’Farrell. Father John, a life-long parishioner of our parish, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on Saturday, June 4th by Bishop Michael Burbidge, the Bishop of Arlington, Virginia, in the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More in Arlington.
We celebrate this weekend the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. This great feast, in which we honor God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is a reminder to us of the awesome mystery of our God, a mystery which, in many ways, is too mind-boggling for us to understand with our mere human brains.
It is with a great measure of gratitude, as well as much sadness, that I announce to you the retirement of our Blessed Trinity principal, Ms. Linda Milewski. Ms. Milewski’s retirement brings to a close a long and fruitful career in Catholic education.