God wants to share his great love and his life with us through this sacrament. It is not meant to judge us or to belittle us or to make us feel uncomfortable. The purposes of this sacrament are to bestow on us God’s mercy, to forgive our sins, and to reconcile us to God’s love.
I remind you that Catholic Charities is no longer a second collection in church, like so many other special collections we take throughout the year. It is now a direct mail campaign that basically lasts for a whole year. You should have received a mailing from the Archdiocesan Catholic Charities office, containing a campaign brochure and a gift/pledge card, along with an envelope within which you would be able to send your gift or pledge.
We pray for God’s blessing on the students of our Blessed Trinity School, who begin their new academic year this Tuesday, as well as on our wonderful faculty, who have been working so hard in these past weeks to make sure everything is in readiness for the children’s return.