Catholic Schools Week also provides us a chance to give thanks to God for our own Blessed Trinity Catholic School. Mrs. Maureen Pfeiffer, our Principal, and our dedicated faculty and staff, provide a wonderful environment of Christian learning for our children.
Pope Francis has declared today, which is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, to be the Sunday of the Word of God, in order to promote a closer relationship with Holy Scripture and its dissemination in the world.
Pope Benedict, like all of the popes of the last hundred or so years, will surely go down in history as one of the great popes of the Church. I believe very much that each of the popes of the past century has been just the right choice for the time in which he served. Benedict’s great gift was the fact that he was a preeminent theologian and teacher, and through his phenomenal writings he led many to the truth of Christ and to the richness of the scriptures and our Catholic faith.