You should have received by now the mailing for our annual census/block collection (if you do not receive it, please call the rectory and let us know). Please remember that the census information is very important in order for us to update our records and to keep our data accurate. The block collection is equally important for us, since it is one of the single largest sources of income we receive in the course of the year.
On Monday December 4, Tuesday, December 5, and Wednesday, December 6, we will be celebrating our annual Solemn Triduum in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
During this month of November, the Archdiocese is kicking-off our annual seminary appeal, for the benefit of our present seminarians, as well as to ensure the future of our great seminary of Saint Charles Borromeo.
Also next weekend the good folks will be here from Bethlehem Olive Wood Carvers. These faith-filled residents of the Holy Land will be here to sell their beautifully carved statues, plaques, and other religious articles, all made from genuine olive wood from the Holy Land.