As with my Holy Land trip, you will certainly be hearing about my retreat experience in the weeks and in the months to come. Be assured that all of you, and those you love, were remembered in a special way in my Masses and prayers in the holy places we were privileged to visit.
We congratulate and heartily welcome into the family of faith the folks who were baptized and fully received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. We are blessed as a parish family to now have eight new Catholics in our midst!
I thank all of you, our dedicated and faithful parishioners, for being with us on this Easter Sunday and throughout the Sacred Triduum, and for all you do for our great parishes throughout the year. In the end, it is your fidelity to and love for Saint Timothy’s and Saint Bartholomew’s that really makes us great. I am grateful.
The days of Holy Week, and in particular the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday evening, Good Friday, Holy Saturday night/Easter Sunday) invite us to celebrate this Paschal Mystery more intensely, uniting our hearts with Jesus as we recall the great events which gave us new life.