I invite you to take a book and read it, especially during this time of Eucharistic Revival. I believe that you will agree with me that the book is what I refer to as a “keeper,” that is, a book that you will read more than once. It contains a lot of good, solid Eucharistic theology, as well as food for thought as we contemplate the great gift that is ours in the Body and Blood of Christ.
Next weekend, July 29-30, we welcome Sister Nancy, who is representing the African Sisters Education Collaborative, which is the organization our Mission Co-op collection is benefitting this year. Sister will speak at all the Masses at Saint Timothy and Saint Bartholomew next weekend, and our collection will directly benefit the good work of the African Sisters Education Collaborative.
I call to your attention the ad in this bulletin regarding the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.). This process will be beginning in the fall. This journey of faith is for those adults and young adults who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in another Christian denomination and would like to be received into the Catholic Church, and those who were baptized Catholic but never were catechized and/or never received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
We remember in these days of celebration that God himself is the very source of the freedom we enjoy. As people of faith, let us ask him to open the hearts of all our sisters and brothers --- Americans all --- so that, no matter what their faith background, they may recognize him and him alone as the one who created us, sustains us, and leads us, always in hope, into the future that, with his guidance, we are now shaping.