The Nazareth Sisters in the Philadelphia area expressed to Father Jack their desire to embrace a new ministry, a ministry which would involve the Sisters working directly with the poor and those who are most in need.
Many of our classes are full for the upcoming school year, but we do have some openings in a few grades. If you have a child, or know of a child, who would benefit from a superior Catholic education, please call our school office (215-338-9797) to speak with our Principal, Mrs. Maureen Pfeiffer, about registering.
Join us for a day of encounter with Jesus’ infinite love for us in the Eucharist! The day begins with Holy Mass at 9:00 AM celebrated by Archbishop Pérez and concludes with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4:00 PM.
At the entrances to our churches are copies of a book, which is titled This Is My Body. The author of this book is Bishop Robert Barron, who is presently the Bishop of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. Bishop Barron is a very popular Catholic author and evangelizer, who has written many books and has produced many Catholic videos and educational programs in the past several years through the organization he founded, Word on Fire.