Our Forty Hours was a great tribute to who we are as a community of faith. From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who came to pray with us and to honor Jesus in his Eucharistic Presence.
You may have noticed the new oriental carpet that graces Saint Timothy’s upper church sanctuary. This carpet was a gift to our parish from our friends the Little Sisters of the Poor. I told Sister Veronica Susan that the colors in the rug match the colors of our sanctuary so perfectly that we couldn’t have designed anything better!
Please mark your calendars for our annual Forty Hours Devotions. This year we will be celebrating this annual Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist from Monday, September 25 through Wednesday, September 27.
I call to your attention the ad in this bulletin regarding Christian Initiation for Adults. This process will be beginning in the fall. This journey of faith is for those adults and young adults who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in another Christian denomination and would like to be received into the Catholic Church, and those who were baptized Catholic but never were catechized and/or never received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.