Please remember the 2024 Catholic Charities Appeal, which is now underway. Please prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to this very important campaign of the Archdiocese, which directly helps our ministries to those who are most poor and vulnerable.
We often refer to our annual Lenten journey as a desert. The desert, for Jesus, was an actual place, which he entered for forty days and forty nights to prepare himself for his public ministry.
You will also find, at the entrances to the church, some tools which will help you in your Lenten practices. There are Little Black Books, which contain a short meditation for each day of the season. There are also Lenten quarter folders, into which you can place quarters each day of the season, bringing the entire folder filled with quarters back to church at the end of Lent.
While trying our best to address these issues, I ask you to read my letter and the financial report carefully, especially since our successes and our achievements far outweigh these challenges.